Black Maternal Mortality: Our Fight Back

Sale Price:$17.99 Original Price:$25.00

We are tired of dying. Whether it's from the school to prison pipeline, the unjust court system, or at the hands of obstetrical care, we... are... tired. To be black in America is to turn on the tv, or to log onto social media and see the constant abuse and death of your people in more ways than one. As a black OBGYN, I could not stand aside and continue to let the current black maternal mortality rate increase, especially without taking action.

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This E-book is 140 pages filled with:

  • A review of history and slave economics and practices as it relates to the current systemic racism in health care

  • A review of the current statistical trends of black maternal mortality

  • Why the rate is increasing

  • The causes and risk factors of maternal mortality

  • How to optimize your health in order to decrease your risk profile

  • Health conditions and issues in each trimester and the postpartum period that contribute either to maternal mortality or to a decreased quality of life

  • Info on the COVID vaccine and care in pregnancy

  • Info on pre-eclampsia and why black women scientifically have been noted to be at increased risk for the disease

  • 2 safety plans (Pre-eclampsia and emergency care) to have in place so that we can avoid the preventable causes of pregnancy-related death

  • How to address implicit bias in health care

  • Info on home vs. hospital births, and more!

Our women matter, the babies that we birth matter, our men that stand at our side matter. We deserve to live in a world where the God-given gift to bear children is not one met with fear and resistance. We deserve to live in a world where we are heard. We deserve to… LIVE. And that ain’t askin' for much. That is asking the bare minimum. The mere thought of having to ask for this, is... shameful. But like everything, we as a people will traverse that which has been said against us. This is the beginning of that traversal. This is our fight back!